M-Bus Diag

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The "M-Bus Diag" application is designed for "M-Bus" bus diagnostics.

M-Bus Diag SW

  • After connecting to the HW converter "M-Bus", it allows sending messages on the bus and detecting connected devices.
  • For each device on the "M-Bus" bus, it then reads the data message and displays the data objects contained therein.
  • Search for individual devices by primary or secondary address.
  • Searching by secondary address allows you to find a device with an unset primary address.
  • If only one device is connected to the bus, it can be found using a general "broadcast" message.
  • With this SW tool, devices on the "M-Bus" bus can be put into operation.
  • The software allows connection of RS232/M-Bus or Ethernet/M-Bus converters.
  • On the Ethernet line, it communicates using the TCP or UDP transport protocol.
  • It allows you to supplement the application with additional modules (DLL libraries) to operate devices with additional functions against the standard.

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